Walking towards freedom and light

We asked Kahaila-Reflex team member, Kiani Yiu, to come up with some sketches as visual aids for this week of prayer. Each image represents the physical and emotional process of walking through a life affected by prison.

Kiani says, "Through these images, I hope to represent the daily effect of prison on individual and community life and also the coinciding presence of hope. Yes, each subject is walking on roman numerals, but they are always in forward motion toward light and freedom."


Monday: For Those who are Prisoners

Monday: For Those who are Prisoners

Tuesday: For Victims of Crime

Tuesday: For Victims of Crime

Wednesday: For the Families

Wednesday: For the Families

Thursday: For the Communities

Thursday: For the Communities

Friday: For Those Who Work in Prisons

Friday: For Those Who Work in Prisons

Saturday: For All Working in the Criminal Justice System

Saturday: For All Working in the Criminal Justice System